星期日, 十二月 19, 2010


个人以为,Yahoo!虽然比起Google, Microsoft等业界巨头要弱上一些,但也不是全无机会。像Facebook这样的网站都能在数年时间赢得巨额用户,Yahoo!作为曾经的网站NO.1,有着相当数量的长期用户,如果在用户体验等方面加以重视,至少不会混得太差。

星期五, 十二月 03, 2010

General Motor pay $15 per labour hour Last year

When General Motors went public last month it boasted of making 43% of its cars in regions where labour costs less than $15 per hour, while in North America it can now pay "lower-tiered" wages and benefits for new, part-time and temporary employees. Employment may be rebounding; labour's share of the economic pie is not.